Monday, February 16, 2009

Update on the book 'n stuff...

Imagine that - two entries in one day!

For those that are curious, and for posterity, I guess, since most aren't curious, I am re-editing my book. I went to an editing workshop a week or so after I came home from Toronto and got really inspired. I have been so busy in and out of the house (I can't imagine how I ever had time to work a full time job!) that I haven't been doing much editing but for a while, I was doing 10 pages per day, with the aim to be finished, once and for all, by the end of the month.

I am going to cram everything in and make myself be finished by the 10th of March. At that point, I'm going to try going back to the agents and seeing what is said now.

I have, however, found a problem. While browsing Harlequin's top sellers list, I realized there is a book called The Moretti Heir - about a young, Italian, womanizing heir to a fortune... my book is about a young, Italian, womanizing heir to the family "business" whose last name is ALSO Moretti. I am debating about changing it now or waiting to see if an agent or publisher would have me change it. Afterall, there is more than one book about people with the last name "Smith"!

1 comment:

raeonix said...

I'm the author of that Harlequin, I stole your book idea and wrote it. MO HAHAHA