Tuesday, June 3, 2008

And then the lobster came and ate me.

I have to redo a submissions/rejections count because I have had a few more responses and am up to like 35 submissions now. It does get depressing getting rejections (I think I am up to like 10 now), but I know all it can take is one "yes" and I have it. It's just hard to keep thinking positive, and then I worry that I will run out of listings on Agent Query to query to... Ahhh! I am starting to get some stress. Someone needs to at least request a partial manuscript submission so I can get a confidence boost.

Primarily, I called in sick yesterday in the morning. I was pretty tired after stressing all night about the horses and being sick, so I called S and told her I didn't know if I would be in shape to work. She didn't seem too upset. I took some serious meds and put myself to bed for about four hours and when I woke up, had something to eat, took a shower and felt a lot better. I called the Inn back and John asked S if she could still use me - she said "Bring it on!".

In retrospect, it took a lot out of me and possibly delayed my healing, but I'm glad I got out there - if not for the experience, then for the $90 in tips I earned. :) There was a moment, when I was sitting on the porch in the courtyard in the dark, listening to our guests leaving and taking a quick breather before we started tearing things down that I thought to myself that I really enjoy the job and I think I will do fine all summer, despite having my doubts left right and center almost constantly since I got hired.

The group last night, overall, was really fun. Quite a few attractive younger men, friendly older men and some really good tippers (I got an $11 tip on a $28 bottle of wine!). This is so silly but sometimes I almost feel sexy in my floor length, chin height, elbow length sleeved dress and my daycap, lol. Though sometimes I do wish it was a 1700's style dress instead of an 1800's when Victoria made everyone modest.

I am getting a seriously runny nose now, though... it's so not good.

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